Sunday, December 2, 2012

Joyful Christmas Season!

Diadem of Beauty

“In that day the LORD of Hosts will be for a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty to the remnant of His people…” (Isaiah 28:5 NKJV) 

Isaiah is a personal favorite of mine. God has used this book of the Bible to speak to me on many occasions. 

The book is full of promises. This particular verse speaks of the Lord of hosts which refers to the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Jesus is our jeweled crown. He's the treasure of our hearts, precious beyond anything the world has to offer. 

He's our shepherd-leader, the one who knows our way, nurtures and protects us, guides us through all things.

He is our gleaming beauty, that part in us which is altogether lovely. 

He is our glorious king both now and in future eternity. 

Another translation calls Him a Garland of Joy (DRB). Imagine all earthly and heavenly joys woven into a wreath and nestled securely atop our Savior's head. 

That was the promise of Isaiah. And when our Lord and Savior came into the world and walked His path, bled and died, rose and seated himself next to the Father, He promised and provided that for each of us. The promise of unspeakable joys...

Each year when the holidays roll around I receive my greatest pleasure from revisiting the names of Jesus. This year I share them with you along with a relevant word as a gift. Peace, love, and joy to each of you.

Mornings in our lives are those fresh, new 
beginnings we cherish each time we 
experience God.  


  1. This made me recall part of a hymn- "Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown him Lord of All!" So wonderful to realize the He is our Crown!

  2. Garland of joy inspires me, too. I love that image, Jenny. Thanks for the comment.
